Farmington Democrats
Annual Fundraising Kick-Off

Thursday, August 23
5:30 to 7:30 pm

Green Tea Restaurant
1067 Farmington Avenue

Enjoy great food, wonderful wine and a chance to help the Farmington Democrats in our fundraising efforts to elect Democrats in 2018. Invite your family and friends.

Invited Guests Include

  • Senator Richard Blumenthal
  • Senator Chris Murphy
  • Comptroller Kevin Lembo
  • Secretary of State Denise Merrill
  • Democratic nominees for:
    • Governor
    • Lt. Governor
    • 5th Congressional District
    • Treasurer
    • Attorney General
  • State Sens. Beth Bye & Terry Gerratana
  • State Reps. Mike Demicco & Derek Slap
  • Registrar Barbara Brenneman
  • Judge of Probate Evelyn Daly

Democrats are facing challenging opponents in the upcoming November elections.
We are counting on your financial support to assist in our efforts to elect Democrats.

Suggested Contribution
$250, $100, $75, $50, or whatever is comfortable for you

If you are unable to attend but would like to contribute you can do so in the following ways:
on-line at
complete a Contribution Certification Form and
make checks payable to
Farmington Democratic Town Committee,
c/o Robert Heulin, Treasurer, 5 Serra Drive, Unionville, CT 06085.

Follow us on Facebook
Farmington DTC: Mike Daly, Chair

Paid for by Farmington Democratic Town Committee, Robert Huelin, Treasurer

Categories: Uncategorized


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